- In C# we can define an Interface using Interface key word. Define
//Difine an Interface
interface MyInterface
- Interfaces can be consisting of methods, properties, events, indexers or any combination of those types.
- By default all the interface members are Public. So if we use any access modifiers it will prompt compile time error.
- Add Interface methods have only declarations, not method implementations.
- Class can be inherited by more than one Interface.
- Interface can be inherited from other interface as well.
- Interface not allows creating instances.
//Difine an Interface
interface MyInterface
void MyMethods();
void MyMethods2();
class clsMyClass : MyInterface
//Can’t create Privet member
public void MyMethods()
//Method Implementation
Console.WriteLine("Implement Method MyMethods()");
public void MyMethods2()
//Method Implementation
Console.WriteLine("Implement Method MyMethods2()");
public static void Main()
clsMyClass oclsMyClass = new clsMyClass();
- When inherit from an Interface need to provide the implementation for all methods. Unless a compile error will be generated.
- If the Class or struct is unable to provide the implementation for all methods, which are in the Interface have to be marked as Abstract.
//Difine an Interface
interface MyInterface
void MyMethods();
void MyMethods2();
class clsMyClass : MyInterface
public void MyMethods()
//Method Implementation
Console.WriteLine("Implement Method MyMethods()");
//No Implementation
abstract public void MyMethods2();
public static void Main()
clsMyClass oclsMyClass = new clsMyClass();
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